Sunday, July 6, 2008

Intro post

Ok, in the past I have been bad about sticking with blogs but I believe they should be distinct so I am creating my second blogspot blog ( is my currently semi-dormant political blog).

Topic of this blog: Movie ratings and reviews.

Format: Each blog post will be named after the movie it's rating and will start off with the rating and date (or approximate date) I saw it. Following this will some brief info and commentary about the movie. Some posts will end after that and some will include movies I intend to see fairly soon.

About my rating system: I will be rating movies overall on a scale of 1 to 10 stars (half stars will also be given). This system may be refined possibly by rating movies in multiple categories instead of only an overall or maybe I'll change from stars to something else but for now let's start with this.

Reason for this blog: I feel like I've seen a fair amount of movies recently and would like to record my thoughts on them somewhere. Also, I just became a member of the Coolidge Corner Cinema and will get to see their movies for free M-Th and get $3 off on the weekend so I'll be seeing a substantial number of movies this year.

I do not aim to see every movie but I will see many that pique my interest, especially if they are playing at the Coolidge Corner Cinema. This means I will be quite a few independent and non-mainstream movies (because that is what Coolidge Corner specializes in). I will see some mainstream movies when/if they interest me but expect to see more of the movies that are off the beaten trail on this blog.

A note on the title of my blog "Fat Flicks": I named it this because I am indeed overweight and people love alliteration (wouldn't you rather have crippling cancer than debilitating cancer?).

Here we go!

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