Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Dark Knight

Rating: 8 out of 10 stars
I saw this on July 19th at a theater in Brooklyn

This movie was visually amazing and Heath Ledger delivered a great performance.

Here are some of the things that didn't fly well with me:
1. They essentially reinvented the story of the Joker. They didn't expand it and slightly change it like the Michael Keaton/Jack Nicholson did. This was essentially an entirely new back story. I don't like that.

2. On top of that, the Two-Face story was changed. That's two alterations in one movie.

3. The city itself was not that dark. The Joker was very dark but the city was too 'standard' for me.

4. I like Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne but I'm not sold on him as Batman. His new suit is better but I'm still not a huge fan.

But many, if not most, of the other aspects were very good. The story was good. It is definitely worth seeing. I'm also hesitant to call an action movie "great" so take my advice with a grain of salt.

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