Monday, July 7, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Rating: 6.5 out of 10 stars
I saw this in mid June at the Boston Common AMC Loew's

Disappointing for an Indiana Jones flick but an ok action movie. It was obvious that whoever had the idea for this new Indiana Jones movie (probably Spielberg) just wanted some more money because this movie at times seemed a spoof or cliche of the Indiana Jones movies. It borrowed/rehashed too many Indy conventions to the point of seeming hokey. They tried to wrap up way too many loose ends that no one even considered loose ends until they were reintroduced in the movie (did we really need to bring Marion Ravenwood back?).

The storyline is way too sci-fi and not enough supernatural religious like previous Indy movies (even Temple of Doom). It seems like it would've been easy to come up with a better/more suitable premise for the new Indiana Jones movie and leave this silliness to another action movie.

That being said the action scenes were well done (if not over produced and unrealistic at times). Because of the action it was still a fairly enjoyable movie to watch.

See it cause it's and Indiana Jones movie but don't expect an amazing film.

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