Sunday, August 24, 2008

Tropic Thunder

Rating: 9 out of 10 stars
I saw this at the Loews in the Boston Common on August 23rd

This movie was hilarious. I usually don't find Ben Stiller that funny and I've never been a fan of Robert Downey Jr. (although I admit I haven't seen Iron Man) but I think the way the two of them worked together was brilliant. The role (and presence of other big time actors) reigned Stiller in (I think he is at his worst when he's over the top) and Downey Jr. really got to showcase himself. I would've liked to see Black's role be a little larger or slightly different. He was good but he didn't play into the movie as much as the other two in my opinion (although he had a few good moments).

The opening scenes were an ingenious way to start this movie and it worked really well.

Tom Cruise and Matthew McConaughey have small parts that they'd both pulled off extremely well and really added a lot to the movie.

I was laughing through most of the movie. The story was good, the pace was good, and it was very funny. I couldn't ask for more and I highly recommend it.

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