Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tell No One

Rating: 4.5 out of 10 stars
I saw this on August 4th at Coolidge Corner

This movie got me thinking that watching foreign thrillers probably just isn't worth it. Dramas can be great but things like thrillers and horror movies might as well be remade. It wasn't a bad story but I didn't find myself being drawn into the movie and I felt at times as if I were missing something. That and thrillers aren't always that great in English. Overall this movie left me uninterested and unimpressed.

Not really worth the time in my opinion.

1 comment:

Allison C. said...

I dunno if you should base your view of foreign thrillers on this one. It's been long blogged-about as sort of a dud ("the trailer is the best part" - and it is, indeed, a good trailer!). Thanks for the review, though - I was thinking about maybe watching this in spite of the not-so-great remarks I'd been reading, but now I'm thinking I'll pass.