Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Rocker

Rating: 8 out of 10 stars
I saw this at the Boston Common Loews on August 23rd

This movie was pretty freaking funny. Rainn Wilson did a really good job. I was very skeptical that he could sustain an entire movie as the lead comic actor because it is pretty hard to do but I was very pleasantly surprised.

The review that framed it as "40 year old virgin meets School of Rock" is probably the best way to describe it. It definitely had both of those feels at times (the end concert was absolutely a School of Rock ripoff). That being said I felt like there wasn't much development. I was looking for more sideplots, hindrances, and development of romances and/or rivalries and this movie had all of them but they didn't focus on and develop many of them.

Example of under developed aspects that were touched upon *CAUTION POSSIBLE SPOILER*
1. Fish's romance with Curtis' mom
2. The manager hitting on Curtis' mom
3. Curtis and Amelia's romance
4. Curtis and Fish's friendship
5. The manager's deviousness
6. Matt's girlfriend

All of those things were touched on but should've either been developed more or dropped.

That being said the movie was pretty effing funny and worth a look.

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