Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Rating: 7 out of 10 stars
I saw this at the Entertainment Cinemas in Leominster on March 14

I really enjoyed this movie. I haven't read the graphic novel but I thought there were a lot of strong characters including Dr. Manhattan, Rorschach, and the Comedian who had very good roles and pulled them off well (did anyone else think the Comedian looked a lot like Robert Downey Jr?).

I thought a lot of the visuals and lighting were well done. Rorschach's mask was pretty cool and I want one.

The mood was set well. I liked the lighting and the staging of both the sex and violence really set the tone well.

I thought the story was told fairly well. The history of the Watchmen could have been addressed better but, in genneral, I think flashbacks were used effectively. I think the message and the ending were very good (even though I'm told it is different from the graphic novel) although I think Adrian's (the genius) role should have been developed more to create a more satisfying climax.

My major beef with the movie is that the trailers did not represent the movie at all. A theme in the previews was "Who watches the Watchmen" but that was barely a passing question in the movie. The previews also hinted that it was a world of superheroes (or at least a lot of them) but that wasn't even remotely true. Would have gotten a 7.5 or an 8 if that had been consistent.


Allison C. said...

Can we talk about the ridiculous soundtrack (not the score, which was fine - actually quite good, really)? Because that kind of ruined the movie for me, not gonna lie. Some choices were apt (like the opening credits - which were the best part of the film, btw), and some of the songs were apparently right out of the graphic novel, but some of them *weren't* and it was just over-the-top cheesy (... I'm thinking particularly of Leonard Cohen over the sex scene, but a lot of the tracks just jarred me right out of the story). I couldn't figure out if they were being intentionally ridiculous or just making really bad choices.

I thought the movie was okay, but just that... okay. Nothing more. I did really enjoy the breaking Rorschach out of prison sequence.

Tommy Long said...

Yeah, I had forgotten that. The soundtrack early in the movie was pretty bad. EXTREMELY cheesy and didn't go with the movie at all.