Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Oscar predictions: How did I do?

So how did I do?
Best Picture: Nailed it
Best Director: Got it
Best Actor: Got it (although I actually did predict that Mickey would win right before the award was handed out so that's only a half win)
Best Actress: I was WAY off on this one (but this one I had come around and realized that Kate Winslet was going to win before they presented the award.
Best Supporting Actor: Duh
Best Supporting Actress: Got it wrong in this prediction but right on the night of
Best Score: almost
Best Song: Yessir
Best Animated Feature: Duh
Best Animated Short: Grrr, I got it right
Best Live Action Short: Got it
Best Foreign Film: Wow, shocked I was wrong
Best Documentary: Didn't really make a prediction but I guessed it right night of

In the post: 8 of 12 or 13 (depending on whether you count my rant against the category of documentary)
Night off: 10 of 13

Not great but not bad. A decent year for movies but not spectacular.

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