Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oscar thoughts and predictions

Ok, this may be updated as I see a few more of the movies but I will still be able to give thoughts and predictions on those I haven't seen just from trends and such.

Best Picture Nominees
Benjamin Button
The Reader

Thoughts: This is between Slumdog and Benjamin Button. I personally don't think Benjamin Button belongs in the same conversation with Slumdog (or the other movies for that matter) but it does have the most nominations which usually means it is the best picture front runner. In the various Critics Awards Slumdog has been the hands down favorite with Milk a distant second and Benjamin Button nowhere to be found. But on the other hand, Milk didn't even get nominated for Golden Globe's best picture. I'd say Slumdog wins it and deserves to.

Best Director: 9 times out of 10 this is a bullshit award that should just go to the best picture winner. This year is no different.

Best Actor Nominees
Richard Jenkins for The Visitor
Frank Langella for Frost/Nixon
Mickey Rourke for The Wrestler
Sean Penn for Milk
Brad Pitt for Ben Button

Thoughts: Brad Pitt doesn't belong in this category for Benjamin Button. He's a good actor but Benjamin Button was sub par. This is definitely between Penn and Rourke. I'm going to see The Wrestler (when it comes to Coolidge) so I'm not sure who I think should win this. Penn was good in Milk but I would not be surprised if Mickey Rourke was better. Penn probably will win. I'll update you on who I think should win.

Best Actress Nominees
Anne Hathaway for Rachel Getting Married
Meryl Streep for Doubt
Kate Winslet for The Reader
Melissa Leo for Frozen River
Angelina Jolie

Thoughts: Haven't seen any of these but I think Anne Hathaway takes this one with Meryl Streep a close second. Winslet has a chance (although The Reader was considered a supporting role by the golden globes she won both leading and supporting actress golden globes with Revolutionary Road and The Reader, respectively) but I think she's the dark horse.

Best Supporting Actor Nominees
Heath Ledger for Dark Knight
Josh Brolin for Milk
Robert Downey Jr for Tropic Thunder
Michael Shannon for Revolutionary Road
Phillip Seymour Hoffman for Doubt

Thoughts: Some decent nominees but this is Heath Ledger's year. I'm glad Josh Brolin got nominated because he's second in my book and he wasn't even nominated for the Golden Globe (was nominated by the Screen Actors which holds more weight for actors in my opinion)

Best Supporting Actress Nominees
Penelope Cruz for Vicky Cristina
Amy Adams for Doubt
Viola Davis for Doubt
Taraji Henson for Benjamin Button
Marisa Tomei for The Wrestler

Thoughts: A tough call without a Kate Winslet part in there. I'd have to see Doubt and The Wrestler to make the call but I wouldn't be surprised if one of the Doubt girls wins it.

Best Original Score Nominees
Wall E
Benjamin Button

Thoughts: People need to stop nominating Ben Button because it wasn't that good. I'd say this is between Slumdog and Wall E with the slight edge to Wall E (I hope). Gotta say I'm surprised that The Changeling isn't at least nominated. Clint does a pretty good job.

Best Original Song Nominees
Jai Ho from Slumdog
O Saya from Slumdog
Down to Earth from Wall E

Thoughts: Jai Ho probably wins this one because it's so memorable and cultish right now with Down to Earth a close second. Also, only three nominees? Springsteen doesn't deserve one for The Wrestler? Maybe even Gran Torino.

Best Animated Nominees
Kung Fu Panda
Wall E

Thoughts: All were great, Wall E runs away with it and deserves to

Best Foreign Language Nominees
Vals Im Bashir
Entre les murs
Der Baader Meinhof Komplex

Thoughts: From all reports Waltz with Bashir runs away with this one and I can't wait to see it

Best Documentary
Encounters at the End of the World
Man on Wire
Trouble the Water
The Garden
The Betrayal-Nerakhoon

Thoughts: This is the biggest BS category this year. Man on Wire and Encounters at the End of the World get nominated but Religulous, Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden?, Bigger Stronger Faster, Boogie Man, I.O.U.S.A., Pray the Devil Back to Hell, or even American Teen? That's ridiculous. I don't know what people see in those two movies. They were made for TV documentaries. I hope Trouble the Water wins

Ok, may update these later but that's enough of a brain dump for now

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