Thursday, January 22, 2009

Happy Go Lucky

Rating: 7 out of 10 stars
I saw this on January 22 at the Coolidge Corner Theater.

This was an interesting movie. Essentially a character picture about an overly cheerly and optimistic girl and her interactions with others. The flow of the movie itself seemed dull and aimless at times but I think there was some great character work done here. Poppy was excellent and grew more interesting and endearing as the movie wore on. I think Scott the driving instructor was also incredibly well done.

At the end of the day though I think you have to have an amazing character (see "There Will Be Blood") to abandon a good storyline as much as they did. I think Milk did a great balancing job this year. Had a good story and a strong lead part that drew you in as well.

I give the movie credit though for its drama-comedy fence straddling with the character. It's not easy to do because usually good character pieces need a heavier story line. A for effort, B- for delivery

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